Conflict Resolution: Know Your Hot Buttons & Be Aware of Other’s!

A Hot Button is an emotional trigger and when someone pushes one of your hot buttons, you know it since it make you a little crazy. Self awareness of what makes you crazy and an awareness of others’ hot buttons—is very useful in business. It is important to know your conflict style. Before you can diffuse your hot buttons you must be clear about what inflames them. Awareness of hot buttons bleeds right into cooperative intelligence’s leadership, connection and communication

Trick or Tweet: 14 Ways to Alienate Twitter Followers

In the spirit of cooperative intelligence, I will illustrate how to be cooperative by sharing examples of bad Twitter communication practices. Remember it takes time to build a successful social networking presence just like it does the old fashioned way through meetings and phone calls. Relationships take time to develop, and the best way to nourish them is through continual, consistent communication, asking questions and listening.

Win/Loss Analysis: How to Capture and Keep the Business You Want: Q and A Part II

We answer 3 Win Loss analysis questions: What percent of Win Loss analysis interviews are blind versus not-blind? Do you have a horror story to share about a Win Loss interview that went badly? Do you have tips on how to deal with this? You mentioned that you use a decision tree approach to developing the Win Loss questions. How do you prepare them? Do you share with the sales force to validate it?

Win/Loss Analysis: Create a Value Proposition that Gets YES for the Interview

One of the most common questions I am asked in the Win/Loss analysis process is, “How do we create a value proposition to get our customers or non-customers to participate in a Win/loss conversation?” Interviewers seems to want to have a one size fits all value proposition. That’s not how it works: this is an individual you want to connect with.

Win/Loss Analysis Q&A from July SCIP Webinar

Q & A from July 2015 SCIP Global Chapter Webinar: “Win/Loss Analysis: How to Clinch and Keep the Business You Want.” Competitor analysis comes from Win/Loss analysis (interviews) or comes from Win/Loss + research? If it comes from Win/Loss what is the weight? Competitor analysis comes from many sources, and Win/Loss interviews should be a key …

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