Competitive Intelligence Speaker

Competitive Intelligence Speaker


Testimonial: Competitive Intelligence Speaker

If you’re looking for a great competitive intelligence speaker, you can’t go wrong with Ellen! While I was running the Minnesota SCIP Chapter, I worked with over 3 dozen competitive intelligence speakers over the years and one of our best (and most popular speakers) was Ellen Naylor. Ellen has a wealth of valuable and entertaining competitive intelligence war stories she’s willing to share with her audience, stories you won’t hear from anyone else. Stories that can improve your company’s bottom line.


Ellen and I have worked on several competitive intelligence projects together. I’ve always been impressed with her knowledge, professionalism and the wealth of experience she brings to the table, to say nothing about the quality of her work.


Ben DuBois
Direct Marketing Columnist, Direct Marketing, Copywriting & Competitive Intelligence Expert


Public Audiences: Competitive Intelligence Speaker

Ellen had given hundreds of competitive intelligence presentations and webinars at conferences, universities and corporations globally, and is widely quoted in numerous business publications. Within competitive intelligence, Naylor is an expert in collection skills such as Win/Loss analysis, interviewing, elicitation, and market opportunity analysis. She has spoken on these topics for over 25 years.

Competitive Intelligence Speaker

Since the mid-1990s, Ellen Naylor has presented to three major public audiences. Below is a sample selection from associations, conferences and universities where Ellen has given workshops, presentations or webinars.



1. Associations

Competitive Intelligence Speaker Associations



2. Conferences

Competitive Intelligence Speaker For Profits web



3. Universities

Competitive Intelligence Speaker


Competitive Intelligence Speaker: Most Popular Topics

Ellen gives presentations in a number of Competitive Intelligence areas. The three most popular are:


Competitive Intelligence Speaker, Corporations

While all her corporate clients insist that Ellen not disclose their identity, she has a long list. Refer to the industries served to get an idea of the wide range of corporations she has addressed.  These talks have ranged from helping companies establish a competitive intelligence program to specifics such as setting up a win loss program, elicitation skills training, or competitive analysis tools and techniques.


Contact Ellen Naylor

Want to hire Ellen as a competitive intelligence speaker for your next event?

Please contact us at 720-480-9499

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