The world has lost one of our greatest women this week, Maya Angelou. Her words have inspired so many people ranging from world leaders to the mainstream population of men and women around the world.
Years ago, I read about her life, and how she chose to be silent for a number of years during her difficult youth. I am so grateful she endured that time, and chose to share her many reflections about life over the years. She has impacted my life with her statements, particularly this one.
So many of us, myself included, spend too much time thinking about saying the right words when we hold a conversation. Maya made me realize that it’s my intention and the tone that I share that influence the conversation much more than the exact words.
I intend to make the person I talk to feel better at the conclusion of our conversation than when we started, even when I cold call.
I reinforce this intention with a short meditation or reflection before a conversation. This helps me think about the other person.
Another habit that reinforces this intention, physically is to put a smile on your face, whether on the phone or in person. Sometimes I have to force it at first, and then it just stays.
“Don’t take yourself too seriously.” What’s the worst thing that will happen in a conversation? Nothing life threatening that’s for sure.
Be enthusiastic: it’s infectious and you bring good energy to the other person, which is a gift.
Show appreciation for their time and what they’re sharing; and not just at the end of your conversation.
Be polite. This is a rare commodity in this digital world.
Listen closely and without judgment. Wow, it’s amazing what great questions you will ask; how much you’ll learn; and how good you’ll make them feel.
I share this Maya Angelou wise saying in almost every competitive intelligence, elicitation training, interviewing or conversational presentation or training session I give.
Thank you Dr. Maya Angelou.
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