Win/Loss Analysis: How to Capture and Keep the Business You Want: Q and A Part II

We answer 3 Win Loss analysis questions: What percent of Win Loss analysis interviews are blind versus not-blind? Do you have a horror story to share about a Win Loss interview that went badly? Do you have tips on how to deal with this? You mentioned that you use a decision tree approach to developing the Win Loss questions. How do you prepare them? Do you share with the sales force to validate it?

Win/Loss Analysis: How to Capture and Keep the Business You Want: Q and A

Check out this blog to listen to and see the slides from my book, “Win/Loss Analysis: How to Capture and Keep the Business You Want.” Also included is the Amazon page to order your copy of the book. Captured here are 5 Q and A from the webinar: What internal group supports Win/Loss analysis? What are some best practices to break through internal company resistance to Win/Loss analysis? When is the best time to conduct Win/Loss interviews? Due to the sensitivity of Win/Loss analysis, is it better to hire a third party?

Be Smart: Be Human: Be Flexible

How flexible are you in competitive intelligence and Win/Loss analysis? We usually aren’t in situations where the daily news changes how we’ll be with people. However, it’s likely that no matter how much planning we do, there are surprises. So the bottom line is as with many things in life. Do your homework and be prepared. Be flexible and swallow your pride, and let your heart speak when it’s needed. That way when the unexpected happens, you will have an ability to change gears.

Win/Loss Analysis: Create a Value Proposition that Gets YES for the Interview

One of the most common questions I am asked in the Win/Loss analysis process is, “How do we create a value proposition to get our customers or non-customers to participate in a Win/loss conversation?” Interviewers seems to want to have a one size fits all value proposition. That’s not how it works: this is an individual you want to connect with.

Win/Loss Analysis Q&A from July SCIP Webinar

Q & A from July 2015 SCIP Global Chapter Webinar: “Win/Loss Analysis: How to Clinch and Keep the Business You Want.” Competitor analysis comes from Win/Loss analysis (interviews) or comes from Win/Loss + research? If it comes from Win/Loss what is the weight? Competitor analysis comes from many sources, and Win/Loss interviews should be a key …

Read moreWin/Loss Analysis Q&A from July SCIP Webinar

Selling Win/Loss Analysis to Sales Teams

Sales may initially exhibit fear and resistance to Win/Loss analysis since individual sales people’s performance will be critiqued by customers in ways it hasn’t been, outside of sales management. Read on to learn the strategic and tactical benefits Sales gains from Win/Loss analysis.

Outsourcing Win/Loss Analysis? How to Select the Right Consultant

If you want to outsource Win/Loss analysis, here are 10 things to consider as you decide on a consulting firm:

1. Industry Experience
2. Connection to Sales
3. Professionalism
4. Project Management
5. Team Player
6. Written/Oral Skills
7. Project Delivery
8. Deliverables
9. Fees
10. Sharing Win/Loss Experience

Aligning Sales and Marketing through Win/Loss Analysis

Win/Loss analysis is more important than ever since sales people are brought into buyer’s decision-making quite late in the process. Previously most of the Win/Loss interview focused on sales performance and behavior, which is still part of Win/Loss. However, since 60% of the purchasing decision is done before buyers contact sales, you need to ask how they researched your company. So you are querying around how well your company is marketing to capture business as a major part of Win/Loss.